Accounting for Epistasis in PRSs Through the Coalescent

P. Fournier & F. Larribe (STATQAMUQAM)

New Statistical Methods in Genetic Studies

June 2nd, 2022

PRS & Epistasis


  • Weight estimation is based on linear models

Assumes (among other things):

  • Additivity
  • Linearity


  • Gene-Gene interaction
  • Major difficulty in the analysis of GWAS data6
  • Epistasis-aware models are possible; however, naïve ones are intractable ($\mathcal O(2^m)$ terms)

That being said,

  • Some phenotypes are simple
  • Some forms of epistasis might be reflected in additive effects7

Epistasis-aware models

  • Interaction learning8,9
  • Machine learning

For machine learning:

  • Marker selection is "the major factor that impacts on a machine learning model’s predictive performance"10
  • The mechanic through which markers affect phenotype might not be known

Model-Free Genotype Based Prediction


Goal: compute the likelihood of phenotype $\varphi^*$ given the underlying genotype $h_0^*$.
Exploit information from paired haplotype-phenotype sequence: $$ H_0 \bigtriangleup \Phi = \left\lbrace (h_0^1, \varphi_1), \ldots, (h_0^n, \varphi_n) \right\rbrace. $$
A bit of notation: $$ H_0^* = H_0 \cup \lbrace h_0^* \rbrace, \quad \Phi^* = \Phi \cup \lbrace \varphi^* \rbrace $$


Assuming unrelatedness, $$ L(\varphi^* | h_0^*, H_0, \Phi) \propto f(H_0^*, \Phi^*) $$
The law of total probabilities allows the introduction of evolutionary history in the form of genealogies: $$ f(H_0^*, \Phi^*) = \int_{\color{#4d7e65} \mathcal G} f(H_0^*, \Phi^* | {\color{#4d7e65} G}) g({\color{#4d7e65} G}) \text d{\color{#4d7e65} G} $$

Assumption: Conditional Independance

$$ (H_0^* | {\color{#4d7e65} G}) \perp (\Phi^* | {\color{#4d7e65} G}) $$

Computing the Likelihood


  • Discrete phenotype: $\Phi^* \in \lbrace 0, 1 \rbrace^{n + 1}$
  • Quantity of interest: $L(\varphi^* = 1 | H_0^*, \Phi)$
  • No recombination between causal markers
  • $G \sim$ ARG11
  • $(\Phi^* | G) \sim$ ???

First question: How to compute exact likelihood (not up to a constant)?

Conditional Density of the Phenotypes

For each marginal tree $T_i$, we compute the marginal density $f(\varphi^* = 1, \Phi | T_i)$.

Select tree $T^*$ based on absolute pointwise mutual information:

$$ T^* = \argmax_T \left\vert \text{pmi}(\Phi^*, T) \right\vert = \left\vert \frac{f(\Phi^* | G)}{f(\Phi^*)} \right\vert $$

Conditional Density II

  • $f(\Phi | T_i) \rightarrow f(\Phi)$ as ${\text{TMRCA}(T_i) \rightarrow \infty}$
  • $\varphi_k \sim \mathcal B(p)$, $\Phi \sim \mathcal B(n, p)$

Assume conditional independance on ancestor:

$$ f(\varphi_k | T_i, \Phi \setminus \lbrace \varphi_k \rbrace) = f(\varphi_k | p_{T_i}(k), \Phi\vert_{p_{T_i}(k)}) $$ Where $p_{T_i}(k)$: parent of sequence $k$, ${\Phi\vert_x =\lbrace \varphi \in \Phi : \varphi \text{ descedent of x} \rbrace}$.

Conditional Density III

$$ \begin{align*} &f(\Phi^* | T^* )\\ &\quad = f(\varphi^* | \Phi, T^*) \prod_{k = 1}^n f(\varphi_k| \Phi_{k - 1}, T^*)\\ &\quad = f(\varphi^* | p_{T_i}(*), \Phi\vert_{p_{T_i}(*)}) \prod_{k = 1}^n f(\varphi_k | p_{T_i}(k), \Phi\vert_{p_{T_i}(k)}) \end{align*} $$

Conditional Density: Single Phenotype

  • $\alpha(t): \mathbb R_+ \to [0, 1]$ strictly monotonous such that $\alpha(0) = 0$ and $\alpha(t) \to 1$ as $t \to \infty$
  • $t_k = \text{TMRCA}(\Phi\vert_{p_{T_i}(k)})$
  • $h$: U-shaped beta-binomial mass function
$$ f(\varphi_k | t_k, \Phi\vert_{p_{T_i}(k)}) = \alpha(t_k) f(\Phi) + (1 - \alpha(t_k)) h(\Phi). $$


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